Wednesday, January 2, 2013

PowerPoint Games

A new year tends to bring new ideas and new goals. Tonight's goal was to clean up my e-mail inbox. Going through the 2,000+ unread forgotten e-mails, I came across one that I had been meaning to look at, but never really did. One such e-mail is a diamond in the rough.

A long time friend of mine knew I was in search of games for my students to play using my Promethean Board. She teaches high school back east and sent me some links to sites that have great resources. I feel it's important to share them with you.

The first site is UNCW.EDU/EDUGAMES. These are free templates for you to use in your classroom. She said that her students love the "What's Behind the Box?" game. Here's an example of the one I made. I plan on using this game to introduce our next science unit on weather.

To add your own picture (the templates are blank behind the boxes), simply click on the "Format" tab and then on "slide background". Then choose the tab at the left to say "fill" and the tab at the top to say "picture or texture". Next, click "choose picture". This will allow you to choose any of the pictures you have downloaded or saved onto your computer or thumb drive.

The other site she recommends is This site has free templates of games that are crafted after game shows including Pyramid, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?. Jeopardy is a great game to play as a review of lessons taught.

The Jeopardy game is a little more technical, and will take a little time to set up, but worth it in the end. I recommend saving a template as well as a custom made one so that you can keep that topic and create a new one based on a new topic.

I am excited to create these games for the kids to use! If you find other games, feel free to post them in the comments section. Also, be sure to stop by my giveaway on Teacher's Notebook, and my 20% off sale on Teachers Pay Teachers!

First, Second, Fifth -

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-Sarah :^D