Monday, October 14, 2013

How To Download a Video From You Tube

Like many teachers, I enjoy using videos in my classroom. You Tube has a wide variety of video resources for classroom use. However, a teacher must ALWAYS watch the video without the students around before showing the students the video. Many times a harmless video is actually a spoof with inappropriate content.

Another annoying feature of You Tube is the ads that randomly pop up moments before your video is to begin. You're able to skip them, but not without waiting for the "skip" pop up to show. 

And don't EVEN get me started about the "you might like" or "trending now" videos that show to the right of your screen. When I'm showing an appropriate video, inappropriate videos pop up there!'s on the INTERNET, so buffering is always happening. How frustrating!

Well, to get the hassles out of You Tube, you can simply download the video you want! No more pop ups, ads, or waiting for buffering and interrupted video time. This video tutorial shows you step by step how to download videos from the web!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

ActivInspire Basics--Video Tutorial

I've learned so much since I began working at my current school. We are a magnet for technology and so I'm constantly on the look out for ways to incorporate technology into my daily teachings. ActivInspire for my Promethean Board is AMAZING! I thought I loved PowerPoint until I met ActivInspire. Using it, allows me to create fun and interactive "flip charts" for my students and me to use. And now that I'm able to do video tutorials, I'm including some ActivInspire basics tutorials on my blog. Today's basics video (although nine minutes long), shows you how to add tools to your toolbox, how to add more colors to your toolbox, how to lock objects, how to duplicate objects, how to manipulate slide layouts, and what the blue/orange button at the top means. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How To Save a Document as a PDF

When working on a document that you don't want other people to be able to manipulate, or take your work and use it elsewhere, it's always a good idea to save the document as a PDF. You'll need Adobe in order to open the file, so be sure to download that before you save your work. Here is a screen tutorial of how to save your file as a PDF:

Monday, October 7, 2013

New Skillz

So...I've been quite busy since the last time I blogged. Like, really busy! And I'm feeling a bit guilty that I've put blogging on the back burner because writing is one of my absolute most favorite things to do. But I thought I'd let you know that while I was on my writing hiatus, I was learning lots of new and exciting things.

The most recent thing I've learned, is how to do a screen recording. That's right, I'm in 2013 and am JUST NOW learning that. And I am happy to say, I've made my first tutorial!!! I thought I'd start with something I use allllllll the time...borders in PowerPoint. I did a step-by-step about a year ago with written directions, have since learned how to do screen shots, and now screen recordings.

So, in short, be prepared for screen recording how-to's! It will make my how-to lessons SO much easier and less time-consuming!

This lesson to do a screen recording!!!