Sunday, October 13, 2013

ActivInspire Basics--Video Tutorial

I've learned so much since I began working at my current school. We are a magnet for technology and so I'm constantly on the look out for ways to incorporate technology into my daily teachings. ActivInspire for my Promethean Board is AMAZING! I thought I loved PowerPoint until I met ActivInspire. Using it, allows me to create fun and interactive "flip charts" for my students and me to use. And now that I'm able to do video tutorials, I'm including some ActivInspire basics tutorials on my blog. Today's basics video (although nine minutes long), shows you how to add tools to your toolbox, how to add more colors to your toolbox, how to lock objects, how to duplicate objects, how to manipulate slide layouts, and what the blue/orange button at the top means. Enjoy!

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-Sarah :^D