Sunday, November 25, 2012

Technology Linky (MY FIRST LINKY!!!)

My school is a magnet school for art, math, science, and technology. I have fully thrown myself into the technology aspect. Being on the laptop and the iPad the school loaned me are both a hobby and now a passion. I'm truly enjoying creating, writing, and sharing.

One of the things I was able to do was create quality board math on the Promethean Board with ActivInspire. To read the blog post, click here. To download it for free, click here.

So I'm hoping that more of you are interested in sharing too! Link up with me!

Your link must be technology related. It could be a story about how you used some form of technology, an anecdote, a link to a technology freebie in your store, or a link to a technology giveaway you are hosting. I'm hoping to read lots of great stories and get some good ideas.

Don't forget to stop by my stores this Monday for some great deals! I'm also hosting a Christmas clip art giveaway on Teacher's Notebook.


  1. Love your blog! We are your newest followers! Also we nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out the info about it on our blog.

    Heather- 2 Brainy Apples

  2. Hi Sarah! One of your newest followers here! Love your blog. I linked up just now:)
    Stop by and see me,

  3. I just linked up, and I'm a follower! I like your blog name!
    Using My Teacher Voice

  4. Technology is my passion also! It is really why I began blogging...I wanted to link up with other teachers to see what else was out there or to see what I was missing. I'm not quite as fortunate as you as far as resources go, but I utilize everything that I have. I would love to here some different ways that you use technology in the classroom. I too have a promethean board and love love it...don't know how I would teach without it!

    Live Learn Teach for life

  5. Hi girls! Thanks for stopping by!

    Yes, Dana, I am in love with my Promethean! In fact, just today my principal asked if I'd be willing to lead a "ten minute tech" at our next staff meeting! Since this is my first year at this school (I spent the last six years at a Title I charter school with very outdated technology in the classrooms), it made me feel very proud that I could contribute.


I would love to hear from you!
-Sarah :^D