Saturday, January 5, 2013


I got an e-mail a few days ago alerting me to feedback on one of my TPT products. The particular item is a freebie that has had over 600 views and over 300 downloads...with zero feedback. So I was happy to see that someone had actually given me feedback!

However, the feedback wasn't "good", it was certainly quite helpful. They alerted me that the file was incorrect. Because of this, I was able to post the correct file and alert the 300+ people who downloaded it that I have put the correct file up. Without this feedback, hundreds more people could've downloaded something that was not helpful to them and my credibility would be hurt.

So, my point is, either everyone downloading was trying to not hurt my feelings by not posting feedback, or they do not like posting feedback. Either way, I encourage everyone to post feedback when purchasing or downloading from TPT or TN. Even if you don't feel it is "nice," it may certainly be helpful!

I also would like to give a shout-out to Corinna at O "FISH"ally a First Grader for her recent post about No-Reply Bloggers. Apparently, this is a problem for people who want to respond to blog posts. I just found out I'm a No-Repy Blogger and didn't even know it!!! Please check out her post to find out if you are unintentionally one too!


  1. Sometimes people don't want to post negative feedback, which is kind. You can alert the seller (like that person did) under ask a question as well. I had a math typo and someone let me know under the question tab. Then, after I fixed it, that person gave me positive feedback. :)

    Surfing to Success

  2. What I've noticed is to blog, view & comment on other blogs, try and have a picture whenever possible, write what you know, link up at linky parties, add links in your blog posts, have freebies, and my newest observation: a cute blog. I'm in the process of having a blog makeover and I'm pretty excited about it! I'll start following you Elizabeth! Happy blogging!

  3. I just saw your blog, and it is SUPER cute!!!


I would love to hear from you!
-Sarah :^D