Monday, September 3, 2012

Stationary...a lost art?

I sure hope writing never becomes a lost art. And I don't mean writing as in, I'm going type this and then publish it for the world to see. No, I simply mean getting a piece of paper, a pen, and sitting down to write.

As a kid (growing up in the 80's), I can remember traveling to new places and making instant friends. My mom would always encourage my new friends and me to exchange addresses and become pen pals. To go a step further, she would even allow me to pick out special stationary to send to said friend. I could've stocked a VW Beetle with my Lisa Frank collection!

Side note: In high school I even worked at a stationary store to feed my craving for beautiful and cute paper.

So to this day, I am always on the lookout for cute paper for my students to publish their stories on. I think this one will be perfect for their unit on insects.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


I would love to hear from you!
-Sarah :^D